Sunday, April 24, 2011

Y'All Come Back Ya Hear

So, I painted my nails today! This is my first blog with pictures of my own nails, so I apologize for the crappy photo quality- still getting used to the angles and lighting I should use to get the best pictures! I think this isn't too bad for my first post, though! This is from OPI's new summer Texas collection. I didn't intend on buying anything from this collection. I'm picky when it comes to nail colors, but I figured an orange would be different! The bottle looks pretty orange; most of my other oranges are more coral-looking. These pictures don't do it justice.

It's a more of a jelly-based polish- this is three coats.

1 comment:

Thank you for your kind words! I read every single comment and I love hearing from my readers. I will comment back on your blog if you have one; I love making new blogging friends! Have a great day!